

class TSVectorField(fields, dictionary)

A tuple containing a tuple of fields and rank to be indexed, it can be only the field name the default the rank ‘D’ will be added


('field_name', ('field_name2', 'A'))

Will result in:

(('field_name', 'D'), ('field_name2', 'A'))


Dictionary(ies) used must be installed in your database, check pg_catalog.pg_ts_config

Will raise exception exceptions.FieldError if lookup isn’t tsquery, search or isearch or not a valid option dictionary (in case of multiple dictionaries)


TSVectorField does not support iexact, it will raise an exception



Return results if match any of the lexemes.


Raw tsquery, for full control over PostgreSQL to_tsquery. Check PostgreSQL documentation pg_docs12.3.2. Parsing Queries <textsearch-controls.html#TEXTSEARCH-PARSING-QUERIES

Single dictionary examples

class Article(models.Model):
    title = models.CharField(max_length=255)
    article = models.TextField()
    fts = TSVectorField(
        (('title', 'A'), 'article'),

    def __str__(self):
        return self.title
>>> Article.objects.bulk_create([
    Article(title='Python', article='The python programing language')
    Article(title='Monty Python', article='British surreal comedy group')
    Article(title="Monty Python's Flying Circus", article="Monty Python's Flying Circus was a series created by Monty Python comedy group")

Using search for python programing and python comedy:

>>> Article.objects.filter(fts__search='python programing')
[<Article: Python>]
>>> Article.objects.filter(fts__search='comedy group')
[<Article: Monty Python's Flying Circus>, <Article: Monty Python>]
>>> Article.objects.filter(fts__search='PHP')

If you use isearch will search for any of the lexemes:

>>> Article.objects.filter(fts__isearch='python programing')
[<Article: Python>, <Article: Monty Python's Flying Circus>, <Article: Monty Python>]
>>> Article.objects.filter(fts__isearch='PHP')

See also

For ordering results use Ranking


Preforms a transformation for dictionary for searching with portuguese lexemes fts__portuguese__search

It checks if the dictionary is in options, only works with multiple dictionaries.

Multiple dictionaries examples

class Article(models.Model):
    title = models.CharField(max_length=255)
    article = models.TextField()

    dicts = models.CharField(  # the dictionary field
        choices=(('english', 'english'), ('portuguese', 'portuguese')),

    fts = TSVectorField(
        (('title', 'A'), 'article'),
        dictionary='dicts'  # refers to the dictionary field

    def __str__(self):
        return '%s in %s' % (self.title, self.language)
>>> Article.objects.bulk_create([
    Article(title='Python', article='The python programing language', language='english')
    Article(title='Monty Python', article='British surreal comedy group', language='english')
    Article(title="Monty Python's Flying Circus", article="Monty Python's Flying Circus was a series created by Monty Python comedy group", language='english')
    Article(title='Python', article='A linguagem de programação python', language='portuguese')
    Article(title='Monty Python', article='Um grupo de comédia britânico', language='portuguese')
    Article(title="Os Malucos do Circo", article="Os Malucos do Circo ou Monty Python's Flying Circus no titulo orignial foi criada pelo grupo de comédia Monty Python", language='portuguese')

Use the dictionary transform, also we should filter by the dictionary used:

>>> Article.objects.filter(fts__english__search='python programing', dicts='english')
[<Article: Python in english>]
>>> Article.objects.filter(fts__english__search='monty python', dicts='portuguese')
[<Article: Monty Python in portuguese>, <Article: Os Malucos do Circo in portuguese>]


Not filtering the results by it’s dictionary is possible, but results won’t be reliable:

>>> Article.objects.filter(fts__english__search='python programing')
[<Article: Python in english>]  # nothing strange
>>> Article.objects.filter(fts__portuguese__search='python programing')
[]  # no results


The DictionaryTransform only accepts dictionaries that are defined in options.